Some of the things people enter into the search engines are just bizarre strings of random words, but some are actually legitimate questions.
Therefore, I have decided to run a monthly 'Ask Militant Ginger' column to answer some of the pressing questions that people have sought me out to answer.
My cat ingested a peanut. What should I do?
If Cat has successfully swallowed the peanut, I don't think you have anything to worry about - except perhaps you shouldn't be taking your cat to the sports bar with you. In all seriousness, cats can eat peanuts quite happily (although they prefer Whiskers) and I do know a certain kitty who seems to adore licking peanut butter off the spoon and has very rarely died from it.
My Jaguar V12 is 'pinging'.

Get it fixed, though, because 'pinging' indicates damage is being done to your engine and those V12 jobbies are quite difficult to replace!
Am I allergic to Cheerios?

Cheerios are lightly toasted whole-grain oat cereal and generally don't come adorned with any sugar or anything like that. If you experience symptoms an allergic reaction after eating Cheerios, if might be due to a wheat allergy. My advice is to stop eating them.
I have a fear of being clean.

Can I travel to Paris if I have a peanut allergy?
It depends. Did you intend to eat many peanuts there?
Joking aside, Paris is one of the most cosmopolitan and fantastic cities in the world and if you get a chance to go there - jump at it!
However, it's worth nothing that the French manage to eat pretty much everything - sometimes not even bothering to cook it - and remain thinner, healthier and less prone to allergies and obesity than the average Brit or American. Therefore, they don't have much patience for traditional Anglo/American 'food bullshit.'
Your requests for vegetarian, low-carb and organic produce might fall on deaf ears in a corner bistro. Peanut allergy is not as talked about or catered to as it is in America.
In general, however, you should be fine visiting Paris as long as you don't eat anything containing 'cachuetes' which is the French word for peanuts.
I have allergies set off by cats. What happens if I travel on an airplane with a cat on it?

However, if a cat is allowed into the cabin in a soft container, you might find your allergies acting up depending on the proximity to the feline in question.
Jane B., an allergy plagued contributor to Travel Talk, shares her experiences:
"I didn't realize the airlines let cats fly in the passenger cabin until I was on a full flight and thought I was coming down with a terrible cold. I was sneezing and blowing my nose so loudly that I started hearing meows under my seat. I am allergic to cats and I can tell you I was not at all happy when I discovered a cat under my seat."
I would recommend asking the stewardess at check in whether a cat is on board and how close it is to your seat. Although most of the air is recycled on an aircraft, it is filtered and therefore as long as you're a few seats away, you should be able to enjoy the flight without hassle.
If you do find yourself sitting close to a flying cat, make notes. You probably have a lawsuit to exploit (ah, America. The land of litigation.) This means that a few hours spent sniffling and sneezing (which will annoy your fellow passengers far more than a kitty ever could) might earn you free flights, upgrades to first class or (worst case scenario) a place of that Homeland Security 'Strip-Search at Every Opportunity' list.
Whatever happened to Knut, the Berlin Zoo bear?

Knut, the abandoned Polar Bear raised by a zoo-keeper at Berlin Zoo, is alive and well! Just over a month shy of his 1st birthday, the Animal Rights Activists have failed to 'liquidate' the bear like they threatened to and Berlin Zoo is enjoying a financial boom thanks to 'Knutmania,' which has spawned numerous toys, DVD's, books and television specials.
Who is Paul Burston's agent?

I'm not sure if she'd appreciate your unsolicited manuscript, however!
Simon James & Hill?

Somebody is a fan of Simon James & Hill and has been checking for updates on Original 106's bad-boys fairly regularly.
Well, following Original 106's horrible RAJAR results in May of this year, the Simons have been shifted from Original's breakfast show to an evening slot at 7pm.
This has meant Pat Sissons and Danielle Perry have taken over the breakfast show and a damn fine job they're doing of it. I've worked with both Pat and Danielle before and I think they're a great duo, very talented and far more 'on target' for Original's audience than Simon James & Hill were. In Hampshire and the South Coast, the competition for breakfast listeners is very fierce and it's only going to get fiercer with Original's 'A' squad hitting the airwaves.
No disrespect intended towards Messieurs James & Hill.
In my original post on the subject I suggested that the two talented presenters were not suited to Original's breakfast audience. It didn't mean they weren't good (they have the Sony awards to prove it.) With their riotous antics and laddish humour, I think they'll fit in very nicely to the the evening slot just like they did when they ran TLRC's critically acclaimed evening network show.
Simon James took exception to my opinions at one point (he even called me a cock, the wee urchin) but I had never intended to insult him or his colleague. I was merely suggesting - and Original's presenter-shift seems to back my opinion up - that Simon James & hill are the boys you want to party long into the night with - and not have to wake up to the following morning!
Joking aside, I do wish Simon James & Hill the best in their new slot and will be watching the RAJAR figures with interest.
How is Harry Osborn disfigured in Spider-Man 3?

Harry Osborn (played by James Franco) goes a little nuts in Spider-Man 3 and becomes the 'new' Green Goblin in order to seek vengeance against Spidey (who he blamed for killing his father, the original Green Goblin.)
He picked the wrong time to do it, since Spidey was going through a bad-ass phase thanks to an alien-symbiotic suit (Venom) that enhanced his abilities by unleashing his anger. Harry was thoroughly whipped by Spider-Man during their last confrontation and a 'pumpkin bomb' he desperately threw to turn the tables on the Webslinger was callously hurled back an instant before it exploded. The blast horribly mutilated the side of Harry's face.
Later, however, Harry and Spidey got over their differences and Spider-Man 3 ended happily (well, as happily as it can considering Harry got impaled by Venom and died in his friend's arms.)
The Spider-Man trilogy actually sticks pretty closely to the comic books, but the scene in which Harry gets disfigured never actually took place. In the comics, Harry goes mad and becomes the new Green goblin, as in the movies. However, it's the chemicals he ingested that finally kill him. He dies just as ruggedly handsome as he lived.
Who are WorldVoice-News-Experts?
Also known as WorldVoiceNews-Experts, these guys are a bunch of scam artists who send aspiring writers promising emails in order to 'phish' their personal details, which sets them up for identity theft and barrages of spam.
If you receive an email from them, click the 'spam' button. If you're really dedicated about making a go of your writing, you'll find a real gig sooner or later.
Well, that's it from 'Ask Militant Ginger' for this month.
I hope it's been interesting and educational. If you have a question for Militant Ginger, feel free to email it to me (via my profile, above) and I'll get around to it for the next time.
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