Sunday, January 06, 2008

Considerate Driving in New Jersey

Oh my Lord, how I've complained about the drivers in New Jersey.

Considering that most of them aren't qualified to manoeuvre a shopping trolley - far less a $60,000 Sports Utility Vehicle - driving on the New Jersey roads has aged me considerably. Four of my five grey hairs I credit to my wife. The fifth is entirely down to the life-or-death challenge I face every morning on Route 1.

But it appears I don't even need to be in my car to run afoul of New Jersey's automobile anarchists! Here's the situation we discovered this morning, when Tina prepared to drive to work.

What was even more annoying was the 20 feet of empty road in front of his car! He had a car length and a half to pull forward, but NO. He had to park his wheels directly blocking my driveway. Some people!

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