Friday, October 05, 2007

When this Spanish Language Codswallop goes too far...

So I know we have a lot of Spanish-speaking people living in America. But the national language is ENGLISH. Anglais! Ingles!

It's an English speaking country. We COLONISED the bloody place.

Yet today, when I received my shiny new Bank of America credit card in the post, the letter and leaflet sent with it was in SPANISH.

Not half-in-English-half-in-Spanish. Not English translated into Spanish. Spanish.

The entire document. Plus the stickers on my card, including the instructions on how to activate it. Everything in Spanish, without a single word of English written anywhere.

I assume that some bods at the Bank of America - who I've already blogged about being the first bank in the United States to offer bank accounts to undocumented aliens - saw that I was a foreign resident and just sent the Spanish documents as a matter of course.

It might not seem like a big deal, but I'm really offended and annoyed. This is an ENGLISH speaking country and I am ENGLISH, so when my bank writes to me in a foreign language I must assume something WRONG is taking place.

I spent thousands of dollars and almost four years of my life getting LEGAL residency to the United States. I really shouldn't have bothered. I'd have got more respect and appreciation from the American institution if I'd just hauled ass across the Rio Grande like the twelve million unauthorised guests currently living here.

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