Thursday, October 04, 2007


Well, somehow or other, I managed to finish The Bootleg Boys.

It was the story I started during last year's Nanowrimo and I'd only got a few more thousand words needed to wrap it up - so I do so. In the end, however, it was like squeezing blood from a stone.

The 'hard' part, which is the climax of the bootlegging plot, actually came quite easily. The words flowed and I even came up with a neat little flourish I hadn't seen coming. But then the 'easy' bits? The wrap up chapters that deal with the inevitable aftermath of Eddy's exploits?

Every single word was a struggle.

But I kept on plugging along until I finished the story.

But instead of the triumphant little buzz I get when I finished writing something, I felt a bit flat. Like it wasn't right. I was unsatisfied with the way things wrapped up.

The only answer to this, of course, is to go back and reread the whole thing and see if the ending 'works' or not. But at the moment, with my head swimming with the characters and adventures I've just written about, I'm a little too invested.

It's very frustrating.

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