Friday, April 06, 2007

F*** off I'm ginger...

As some of you might have noticed, I was featured on BBC's Body Image documentry "F*** off I'm Ginger" the other night.

I was a bit nervous, but they didn't make me look like an idiot and I got some very surprised reactions (my boss left a voicemail: What are you doing on my television? Get off! I feel violated!)

Tina got a kick out of it too... Checking the ripples the program made on the internet a few days later, we found this comment from called Cybernoob:

"I thought the program was good and your guy presentin it was great. Just shows in America and other countrys no such problems exist wih redheads and is actually mostly embraced. Did you see that Italian woman that guy married in America? Hot hot hot!"

Yes. I married a hottie. Not bad for a ginger.

1 comment:

MH said...

Haha brilliant, you were actually ON IT. Good work.