Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dr Smith and Jones

The new series of Doctor Who opened up with an episode called Smith and Jones.

It was the introduction of new companion Martha Jones - the Jones in the title (and presumably another nod towards Welsh culture by Uber-Taff Russell T. Davies.)

The Smith was the Doctor himself - who's adopted the moniker "Dr Smith" ever since his early days as John Pertwee.

In last night's episode, we met Martha Jones, a trainee doctor at London's Royal Hope hospital (placed just opposite Big Ben for the benefit of the American audience.)

She turns up to work on a Very Bad Day. A day in which her hospital, including all 1,000 staff and patients, is transported to the surface of the moon - neutral territory which allows a brutal intergalactic police force to arrive searching for a single alien criminal.

But there's more than one alien in the hospital. The Doctor is there himself - and he's got to find the real criminal before the Intergalactic Police pin this crook's crimes on him!

It was 45 minutes of fun and adventure - brilliant from beginning to end. I've had wobbly moments with Russell T. Davies ever since he regurgitated that rubbish Torchwood onto our TV screens... But with Doctor Who he very rarely misses the bullseye and tonight's episode showed his aim is spot on at the moment.

Martha Jones is a lovely new character - brilliant and brave. She's also stunningly beautiful. The first authentic 'hottie' I've seen on British TV since I moved back here in 2004.

Russell T. Davies - You've done us Doctor Who fans proud if last night's episode is anything to go by. Now PLEASE get your head together, abandon those Welsh and Gay chips on your shoulder and get the same magic together for the next series of Torchwood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know the more I watched, the hotter she got. When I first saw her picture I was like 'typical Dr. Who kind of attractive partner' but by the end I was like 'yeah baby, let's see it next week!