Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Animals Rights Protesters Foiled

Oxford University foils animal rights attack
Monday February 26, 09:50 PM

LONDON (AFP) - An arson attempt by supposed animal rights activists at Oxford University was foiled Monday after staff discovered a web posting bragging about the planned attack.
Full story here.

It was only a few days ago that I posted about the terrorist activities of so-called 'animal rights' activists. Here is more evidence about how dispicable they are.

Oxford University has been a target of 'animal rights' protestors for a number of years. Important work into medical research is conducted by the university and unfortuntely, much of that essential research has to be conducted on animals.

For the delusional activists, the fact that the university is helping to develop drugs and treatments that could cure life threatening illnesses doesn't matter. Nor does it matter that, after 9/11, even the IRA have admitted that terrorism is no longer a legitimate activity.

The 'animal rights' activists argue that animals are more important than people. In these circumstances, they might be correct. Perhaps they'd be willing swap their prison terms for a period in Oxford University Laboratories, undergoing experiments and treatments in the place of the guinea pigs and rabbits they're claiming to defend.

That really would show sacrifice and dedication to the animal rights cause.

However, as I've said before, the 'animal rights' movement has nothing to do with the rights of animals. It just gives a flimsy excuse for a lot of violent and angry kids to make bombs and hit people with bats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love arguing with PETA types....I seem able to point out the glaring hypocrisy amongst them time and time again.