Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Whether Weather...

What a crazy day.

I was off on a job interview today - for a job I'm literally hungry for. But I was so focused on proving myself that I seemed to trip obliquely through one of the craziest days New York has had for a while.

My old haunt, Long Island, was struck by a tornado. High speed winds and driving rain flooded much of the island, cutting power for thousands of residents.

In parts of New Jersey, floods cut off major roads and stranded hundred of commuters.

And then, in the centre of Midtown Manhattan, an explosion sent rubble and steam hundreds of metres into the air.

One person was apparently killed by the explosion and the entire midtown area around Lexington and 43rd has been closed off. Smoke and steam has been billowing out of the ground as high as the nearby Chrysler Building.

It was caused by something called a 'water hammer,' a build up of condensation typical during hot, humid weather like this. Back in 1989 a similar explosion killed three people. But although we already know that terrorism wasn't the cause of this disaster, the reaction of the general public shows just how fresh 9.11 is in all our memories.

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