Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gingers not NFL material, according to Coach

I was neatly reminded today that gingerism isn't dead, even in the United States.

Proof came in how the biggest question surrounding the drafting of talented freshman quarterback Andy Dalton for the 2011 NFL season hasn't been his speed, strength or endurance on the field - but rather his hair color.

At a recent event in Dalton's home of Fort Worth, a coach was reported to have ignored Dalton's performance record, stats and the fact that the talented kid has had no less than 49 starts at TCU [whatever the hell that means - Editorial Bear] and instead focused on something a little more... subjective:

"Has there ever been a red-headed quarterback in the NFL who's really done well?" the coach quizzed one reporter last week. "Is there any way that could be a factor? We've wondered."

I don't have the stats on ginger quarterbacks to hand, so I can't answer that question. Fortunately, it's not one more informed coaches seem to be asking, anyway.

Despite his red hair, Dalton's been scouted by both the Miami Dolphins and the Dallas Cowboys - and it looks like he'll be starting the 2011 season playing for a pretty high profile team no wonder what his hair color is.

If nothing else, that'll give him the opportunity to answer the boneheaded coach's question.

The next time some ill-informed lug demands: "Has there ever been a red-headed quarterback in the NFL who's really done well?" the correct answer well be: "Well, sure there has! Just look at Andy Dalton!"

Go get 'em, ginger!

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