Friday, October 03, 2008

The Sarah Palin Drinking Game

Now you can get shitfaced, all thanks to our lovely Republican VP nominee! All you need to do is watch her in a debate, interview or stalk her through the streets of Wasilla, AK.

Take One Drink If...

  1. Sarah uses the phrase; "you betcha," "doggone," "Joe Sixpack", "darn right!" or "God bless."

Take Two Drinks Every Time...

  1. Sarah makes a comment about her pondunk little hometown in Alaska.
  2. Every time Sarah refers to herself as a 'Hockey Mom'
  3. Every time Sarah claims McCain's tax-cuts for the rich would help regular, middle class folk (DOUBLE POINTS if she adds 'like me')

Take Three Drinks Every Time...

  1. Sarah winks at the camera.
  2. Sarah flirts uncomfortably with the head of state of a major Islamic nation.

Take Four Drinks Every Time...

  1. She answers a question with a string of nonsensical words and phrases. (DOUBLE POINTS if she creates something batshit crazy, like the idea of 'healthcare reform' for the economy.)

Drink The Whole Damn Thing...

  1. If she refers to herself as a MILF.
  2. If Sarah whips out a rifle and shoots dead a wild animal in public.
  3. Tells her pregnant teenage daughter that she should have used a condom.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what a MILF is??? Did you make up this game? You have a bit of a bad boy streak in you. You never told us who you would vote for if you could and you said last night you made your choice. Are you gonna tell? You don't have to, just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Come on CB... he's British, there was never a doubt that he'd not vote for a Republican...

postpaleo said...

No thanks, been through detox once and it was enough.

The talking heads are thinking she's shooting for 2012, well better then at me. I bet she's a crack shot (Thinks with it too.), I mean they made a point of her shooting at targets. Does make me wonder if they were moving targets though. I need glasses anymore and I'm out of practice and they wouldn't let me bring my M-16 home, I even said please. I see she uses a scope too, if it rains she's in deep shit (scopes fog up), if it doesn't, I am. I won't meet her at high noon, but midnight in a driving rain, she's meat on the table. I wouldn't eat her, cooked or uncooked. I hear hockey mom's are stringy, even with lip stick.

Hell I could have beat her at that debate. I did call it a debate? Shame on me.

She's all attuned to special need's kids? Then why did she cut the budget for them?

paisley penguin said...

You forgot drink every time she mentions her energy perducing (sp intended) state.