Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Russian dictionary confuses 'Withdrawal' with 'Occupation.'

Associated Press: SACHKHERE, Georgia – Russian forces on Wednesday built a sentry post just 30 miles from the Georgian capital, appearing to dig in to positions deep inside Georgia despite pledges to pull back to areas mandated by a cease-fire signed by both countries. Read the article here.

Vladimir Putin: Crazy Ivan?

Would somebody please explain what Russia's up to?

First they invade a country and effectively annex two of it's provinces, looting, raping and ransacking on the way. And now, despite promises to withdraw their troops from Georgia, they're digging in and helping themselves to whatever the can get their grubby Russian mitts on (in one case, a few American humvees.)

As if this wasn't bad enough, they're even threatening to nuke Poland! The former Soviet republic, now chummy with America and NATO, is installing an anti-missile shield to protect the west from any missiles fired by rogue states (and yes, my Russian comrades - I think that includes you.)

"Poland is exposing itself to a strike — 100 percent," General Anatoly Nogovitsyn , the deputy chief of Kremlin staff, was quoted as saying. "Russia's military doctrine sanctions the use of nuclear weapons against the allies of countries having nuclear weapons if they in some way help them."

Basically translated as: "If you help America (or France, or Britain, or Israel) we have given ourselves the authority to nuke you."

Is it a genuine threat? Or just more duplicitous Russian sabre-rattling?

"The United States has a firm treaty guarantee to defend Poland's territory as if it was the territory of the United States. So it's probably not wise to throw these threats around," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gently warned, admitting: "such comments [from Russia]border on the bizarre, frankly.''

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop dismissed Russia's threats as: ''Pathetic rhetoric. It's unhelpful and it leads nowhere."

It might be unhelpful, but it's pretty frightening. Russia's become (to use a frankly ridiculous American term) 'emboldened' in recent months and I think they're just testing the waters to see how much bullshit they can get away with - rather like a child poking a dog with a stick.

Amusingly, the more outrageous Russia's behaviour becomes, the quieter the pro-Russian bloggers get. Despite utterly fantastical attempts to justify the invasion of Georgia, I think even their ability to suspend disbelief falls flat when faced with the latest Kremlin craziness.

I would not be surprised in the slightest if Comrade Vladimir Putin is swigging some of his country's homemade vodka, the way he's been acting lately.


Ken said...

Eh? Two postings went up yesterday about the conflict and one the day before.

I accept that it is no longer at the top of my interest range, but over half the postings this week have been about S. Ossetia.

Eugenio Mastroviti said...

Um, Poland's never been a Soviet republic. Used to be a Warsaw pact member, but, well, there's quite a difference. Being part of Nato, after all, doesn't really mean becoming a US state (although a lot of Americans would be hard-pressed to tell the difference)

Anonymous said...

The former Soviet republic, now chummy with America and NATO, is installing an anti-missile shield to protect the west from any missiles fired by rogue states

Poland was never an SSR.

You are naive in believing that the missile installations are about protection from rouge states. Jesus Christ, MG, all you gotta do is look at a freakin' map to see this.

Now go and try to figure out what are the real reasons for the installations and sin no more.

P.S. Also, ask yourself what would the US reaction be if the current government of Mexico was very unfriendly to the US and Russia put such installations in Mexico?

Roland Hulme said...

Hey PQG! Nice to see you back!

Yep, you and Eugenio are absolutly right. Poland was never a Soviety Republic. Would have preferred 'slave,' 'puppet' or 'prisoner' state?

Russia's pretty much proven itself more than willing to do the unthinkable and invade it's neighbours. Can you blame the Polish for wanting to chum up with somebody to protect them?

And as for your Mexico analogy - it depends if the United States had been making loud and threatening overtures to Mexico and it's neighbours and invading neighbouring countries. Then I might be sympathetic.

As it happens, I think the invasion goes in the OTHER direction as far as Mexico is concerned.