Thursday, February 22, 2007

Animal "rights" stalls being SHUT DOWN!

Police close animal rights stalls
Thursday February 22, 08:28 AM

Street stalls collecting tens of thousands of pounds a year have been closed in what police say is a clampdown on the funding of the criminal actions of animal rights extremists.

Twenty-one people have been charged following the six-month crackdown, which targeted stalls manned in central London locations including Oxford Street. Full story here.

Something to cheer me up!

As you know, despite being a lover of animals, I detest the so called "animal rights" movement. Their horrendous stall, preaching lies about Iams and demanding an end to cancer-curing research on animals, is a blight on Winchester High Street.

And ours is not the only High Street they infest. There are Animal Rights stalls across the country, collecting money for the 'animal rights' movement. I put that in inverted commas, because it's quite clear that this movement cares very little for the genuine welfare of animals.

Generally manned by a bunch of ignorant, opinionated idiots, the "animal rights" movement has been the major source of funding for criminal and terrorist organisations that cause millions of pounds worth of damage every year, inadvertently kill hundreds of animals and victimise doctors and researchers doing valuable work to help find cures for deadly diseases.

Foremost of these organisations is the Animal Liberation Front - classed by the Department of Homeland Security in 2005 as a Terrorist Threat.

And yet, they receive thousands of pounds worth of donations every year. One of the major sources of this funding are these High Street stalls, where crusty youngsters demand money from passers-by by flashing them heart wrenching pictures of puppies and kittens.

This money then goes on to help fund such "worthwhile" projects such as releasing 6,000 mink into the wild from a fur factory in Ringwood. In what the RSPB called "an act of monumental stupidity," thousands of birds were killed by the mink and the 6,000 'liberated' animals were soon decimated by starvation, or being crushed on the nearby roads.

Instead of 'saving' these animals, the Animal Liberation Front actually massacred them.

In 1999, reporter Graham Hall infiltrated the ALF to expose their criminal activities, filming members of the ALF planning to make bombs and choosing viable terror targets. In retaliation for this betrayal, the ALF kidnapped Graham, strapped him to a chair and branded the letters ALF into his back with a burning brand.

In 2006, the ALF decided to 'liberate' a Scottish fish farm in Oban. Unfortunately for thousands of farm reared halibut, the only destination they escaped to was the heavenly hereafter.

From beating people with axe handles, to smashing the fronts of butchers shops, the Animal Liberation Front has shown for the last thirty years that they have no regard for life at all - human or animal. Just like the disgusting PETA organisation, the ALF manipulate people into funding their activities. However, while PETA merely focuses it's murderous activities on the animals it claims to protect (murdering 14,4000 of them in 2005) the ALF actually goes out to create mayhem, destroy property, cause injury and slaughter animals.

It is a disgusting organisation and the fact that the Police are cutting off one of it's major sources of funding is a wonderful thing and will help make an entire generation of people and animals safer.

If you see one of these 'Animal Rights' stalls in your High Street, do not donate ANY money to them and report them to the police.

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