Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tresco: An interesting observation

Back in 2000, I lived on Tresco, in the Isles of Scilly.

It's a slice of life outside of reality. An example of how true this is comes direct from Scillionian The Spotlight Kid, when he says:

A little while ago the [Isles of Scilly] Council were criticised for their appalling road safety record. Year on year our Council have consistently failed to reduce the number of road deaths on the Islands. It cuts no ice than there have never been any road deaths. The Council have arrogantly ignored this reprimand, there has been no improvement. Road deaths steadfastly refuse to go negative.

Brilliant. While Tina and I struggle along to pay bills and do the washing up, there's still some magic left over the twinkling blue sea. It gives hope to all of us.

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