But we all love a good bitch, even about the best job in the world.
Today was my last day before heading off on holiday (more on that later.) I had SHEDLOADS to do. About seven scripts and various other associated gubbins to take care of. I'd have got more of them done yesterday, but I spent the day in Bournemouth on a 'Work Thing.'
And today confirmed what I thought yesterday. There is only ONE thing that I do not like about my job. And it's not the job (I love writing) it's not the workload (I thrive on deadlines) and it's not the people (I think they're all awesome. Even my bosses!)
It's the meetings.
All the bloody time. Meetings for this. Meetings for that. go to Bournemouth and have a meeting. Now, I'm all for meetings and I think they're very productive but HELLO?!?! Has anybody actually noticed HOW MUCH WORK WE HAVE TO DO?
The ironic thing is we ALL feel this way in the meetings, I'm sure.
End of Bitch. Rolski signing off.
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