Thursday, August 04, 2011

Busy life, new blog, the usual suspects

Hello gang! I am so sorry for my extended absence. Life Chez Ginger has been a bit crazy with the arrival of Micro Militant and my continued quest to become the world's first redheaded billionaire.

One thing I've been pondering during my absence is this blog.

As I enter my fifth year of blogging, I realize that Militant Ginger - despite being fairly popular - is a blog lacking a clearly defined purpose.

It's my personal blog, a pro-redhead rant site, a location for book and movie reviews and a place to find my political ramblings. If my recent education in social media has taught me anything, it's that Militant Ginger is the antithesis of what a successful blog should be - focused.

Which is why I've decided to break off at least part of my blogging onto a sister site - The Exchange Coffee House. This is where I'll exclusively post my political rants; and attempt to generate more content from other rant-worthy pundits. Please go and check it out if you're interested.

In the mean time, I'm going to post more personal pictures and stories here, plus up the ante on the ginger nonsense that inspired this blog in the first place. You might see a facelift in the next few days; but all the content will remain in place and hopefully Militant Ginger will be better - and more focused - than ever.

Thanks for your patience - and check back soon!

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