Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shooting in Germany...

You might have heard of the tragic shooting in that High School in Germany. A 17 year-old student, Tim Kretschmer, took a 9mm Beretta to school. 15 pupils, teachers and passers by died before he turned the gun on himself.

It's the old 'it could only happen in America' story that, once again, failed to happen in America.

When I read about further details of the killings, a chill ran down my spine.

The shootings took play in Winnenden, a small town near Stuttgart.

I know it well. I spent a week there when I was at school, as part of a Foreign Exchange. The school Kretschmer riddled with bullets was the same one I fell asleep in, during a very boring science class.

It's a very quiet, very pretty town. Totally unlike the sort of place I'd expect something like this to happen.

1 comment:

Expat mum said...

But doesn't it always happen in places where "you'd never expect"? Even here in the States, it's always sleepy little towns or quiet commuter belts where the school rampages occur. But don't get me started. I've been ranting on enough about guns over at my debate blog -