Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Day, New Book

I've decided to lay off the Eddy for a bit. I've really got to concentrate on getting Adventure Eddy published, rather than working on the sequel, The Bootleg Boys. That's the story in which Eddy comes back to England and then ties into what I've written before - Rules of Engagement (a poisoner tries to disrupt Eddy's sister's wedding) Black Dog (Eddy battles a legendary Dartmoor werewolf) Silver Relic (Eddy goes to Germany to track down some blueprints) and Science Lesson (somebody's trying to murder Eddy.)

I have decided to work on a new book. The VERY exciting 'Radio Advertising for the Small Business.'

Basically, it's a guide to how small, local businesses can find a cost effective way to advertise on radio. It explains away all the jargon and shows how radio advertising works. I'm hopefully getting some really great radio experts to contribute (like my old bosses Gordon Drummond and Carolyn Hayward.)

I will keep you updated. If you know any small businesses that want to increase their business, tell them about my (unwritten) book!

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