Thursday, December 11, 2008

Renaissance Man

If you've ever wondered about the practicalities of kilt-ownership, you'll find my comprehensive guide a must-read. It's available from all good stores now, in issue #64 of Renaissance Magazine.


Reverse_Vampyr said...

I love wearing kilts. Not only are they very comfortable, but ladies invariably want to know if anything is being worn underneath.

If one is wearing underwear, it's a skirt, not a kilt. :)

Anonymous said...

When I was homeschooling I made my son a kilt when we were studying Scotland and he wore it to a homeschool event where we ate Scottish food and the kids gave reports about what they learned. I loved those aspects of homeschooling!

So, did you write the article?

The Dirty Scottish Bastard said...

A kilt is a must. Living in the Washington (the state) I opted for the heavier 16oz tartan. It's just as comfortable in the summer as it is in winter.

I may even look into an apprenticeship since my kilt maker is quiting. I'll have to keep folks posted on that.

Thanks for the great read as always.

Expat mum said...

I love the look of black tie with kilt. But you have to be from Scotland and not just playing dress-up!

Reverse_Vampyr said...

Not only Scots, anyone with Gaelic ancestry can wear kilts to celebrate their heritage. I enjoyed Investigating my Irish roots to find the correct tartan.

There's also a counterculture kilt movement for those that disdain "bifurcated" garments: